
Thanks for playing Atticus and Boy Electronic. It was loads of fun making it. If you feel like dropping a donation, money will go toward making more games, illustrations and developing alien technologies the Blink! engine. Donate and become blockified:

Donate more than $7 and get a portrait of you that may be used for dark and secret interactive fiction purposes in the future. Or you can use it for your avatar.

<-- Press magical button to donate.

Donations received thus far:

Archduke Franz Ferdinand | Donated $10!

You! | Donated your kidney

If you donate and want to remain anonymous or just want the blocky portrait and not your photo here, just say the word. You can send a photo of an animal too. But only if you are actually an animal. Unless you specify otherwise, your photo, blocky portrait, full name, Country and amount donated will be listed here.

Please don't forget to email the photo!

All illustrations produced will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. In non-robot-speak, this means THEY ARE MADE FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN WITH. If you want to use them to make money, please contact Simon beforehand.

The donors, really:

Press magical button to donate!

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